How to Reign When it's Raining

Meet Abi & Dolina: Transform your Entrepreneurial Mindset

July 23, 2024 Reign When it's Raining Season 1 Episode 1

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Welcome to our very first solo episode of the How to Reign When It's Raining podcast! Today's show is a bit off the cuff. We hope it gives you a glimpse into who we are, what we stand for, and the purpose behind why we’re doing this podcast.  We discuss the role of the subconscious mind and how it affects us, the significance of visualisation and meditation and the importance of community and accountability.  We aim to help aspiring entrepreneurs, those of you with side hustles and business owners who feel stuck.  We share personal stories and insights to inspire and motivate you to pursue your dreams despite challenges. The episode also offers practical takeaways to implement in daily life and emphasises the importance of community and accountability for achieving goals. 

00:00 Welcome to the How To Rain When It's Raining Podcast
01:13 Understanding the 'Why' Behind Our Podcast
03:03 Overcoming Procrastination and Fear of Judgment
06:15 Our Journey and Mission to Help Entrepreneurs
10:32 Building a Supportive Community
14:30 Taking Action and Avoiding Regrets
16:49 Visualisation Exercise for Achieving Goals
19:34 Visualising Your Goals
19:59 The Power of Daily Meditation
20:33 Scientific Benefits of Meditation
21:15 Personal Stories and Meditation Impact
23:30 Maintaining a High Vibe Frequency
25:00 Entrepreneurial Mindset and Confidence
27:23 Defining Success and Personal Freedom
28:10 Introduction to the Reignmaker Family
34:25 Conclusion and Key Takeaways

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Hi, and welcome to the How To Reign When It's Raining podcast with Abi and Dolina. This is our first episode and we are so excited you're here with us. Today's show is completely off the cuff and a bit all over the place, but it's an introduction to us so that you can get to know us. And hopefully this is the start of an amazing friendship. 

Please listen for key takeaways at the end of the show. And , please forgive us for the editing. We're still learning and it's messy. Thank you for listening. 

Hello, Reignmakers!

Hello, Reignmakers.  Thank you for being with us. Welcome to the How to Reign when it's Raining podcast. This is Abi and I'm Dolina,  and we are your co hosts .  So here we are first episode. 

If it was up to me to put the podcast together, I think I would really struggle. We'd still be here in 10 years time.  

Yeah. Yeah, you can all take a lesson from that, actually.  Funnily enough, we've been talking about procrastination and uh, Not doing things that scare us.
But let's first, um, tell people why, why we're here, um, and why we're doing this. I think that,  you know, as you say, mum, the why is more important than the what. 

Absolutely. And, you know, when you look at, um, Simon Sinek's concentric circles as well, you know, he starts from the why, um, and why do you do what you do?
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? What, what is it? What do you have to give? That, you want to be out there and you want people to hear and know about how can you help. And, it's what's my why, and I think that, well, what's our why?  We want to help as many people as possible move forward in their lives when they're on an entrepreneurial journey, um, and to stop them being stuck. And procrastinating, because we all know what that feels like.  You get to a certain point, or you want to start something, and you stop yourself. And sometimes you don't know why you stop yourself. And that's the subconscious  mind at play, and we're on this entrepreneurial journey and we want to reach our goals or get to where we want to get to. We set a goal and then you think, well, maybe I might start that tomorrow or the next day or the next day.  And we'll always find an outside excuse not to do something. Because the brain doesn't like change and it makes it easy. , to go back to what's familiar, 

What's safe.

What's safe and what's familiar. And therefore that's the fear of the unknown, but we all sit there going, Oh, I wish I had that. I wish I had more money.  I wish I felt happier. I wish this, I wish that, you know, but we can all wish for things, but whether you're prepared to take that step,  that's the difference.   Whether you are actually prepared because people can see things like procrastination, for example, as being maybe lazy or doing something that's hard work or it's boring or something like that,  more often than not.  There are other factors at play here that are unforeseen.   And that can build an anxiety. And the other thing is we're so hung up on what other people think. 

I know, I know. That's massive. 

That's absolutely huge. You know, all of us do it. All of us are guilty of it. And I'm sure, um, That you listening, at one point, at many points in your, in your life, um, have worried, what other people are going to, are going to say, you're going to think, that you're going to be judged, but we, we get judged all the time.

We are judged constantly. So, that just takes that fear away, surely. If we're constantly judged. Then why would somebody judging you stop you from what you want to achieve? Why do you give a fuck what that person thinks? Because they judge, they judge you anyway.  They judge you for two seconds and then they move on to something else. Listen, you are not that important to other people. They will think about it for a few seconds and then they'll be thinking about themselves. What have I got on today? What have I got to do later? What is it that's worrying me?  What is it that I want to do? What is my, what is my to do list?  People think about themselves. So they might only think about you for, it will be two seconds and then that's it. You're done, you know, then they're not, they're not thinking about you for the rest of the day. They're not thinking, Oh my God, I can't believe that she's doing this.  She's saying this, he's saying this, he's doing that. They don't care. It's done.  

That's it. The limit, the limitations are in, , your own head. And,  I'm not talking just to anybody listening out there. Certainly the limitations were very much in my head, and that was a huge thing for me to overcome and I'm still overcoming it. But I'm a million miles ahead of where I was,  and that's taken, it's hard because I'm a hypnotherapist, an NLP practitioner, and that's huge. That's the best thing ever because that really helps, because you're accessing the subconscious mind and everything you've ever learned, good and bad is stored in your subconscious and that drives you conscious, which is very often the reason we don't know why we procrastinate.

I think it's something like 95 percent um, of our subconscious mind, so we're actually accessing our conscious mind only 5 percent of the time. Um, so it's 90, we're driven 95 percent of the time by our subconscious mind, which is just crazy.

It is, it's recently been scientifically proven that it is.  I read this quote, last night, I think it was, or a couple of days ago by F. Scott Fitzgerald. And it said, 'Genius is the ability to put into effect what's on your mind.'  

Oh, I love that. 

I absolutely loved that. 

So  why we're here, why we're doing this is because mum and I, we're both entrepreneurs.  We both had,  businesses. I've had failed businesses, that happens,  you learn.  And we. Um, both have had careers,  within the recruitment industry.  For many, many, many, many years and  people used to come to us and we would, obviously as an agency, we would help our clients as much as possible. But also for us, it was a two way street. We wanted to help our candidates as much as, as much as possible.  And candidates used to come to us and we would have this quote unquote, perfect job for them. And we would end up talking them out of this job, and telling them, well, not telling them, but helping them see what they actually should be doing.  Um, which actually was to our detriment because we're losing out on making a placement, which is how we made our money. But actually what we're doing is coaching people that came to us who were themselves stuck. They knew that they wanted more, they knew that they had this inner knowing that they didn't want to do the nine to five anymore.  They, they weren't quite sure what it was they wanted to do, but they knew they wanted to work for themselves.  But they were too scared to take that leap or they didn't have enough clarity or they were procrastinating. , or they thought that they weren't good enough, or they weren't qualified enough.  The list of your,  Your self limiting beliefs, obviously it can go on and on and on and they really wanted to have this transformation and we used to coach them,  into starting up their own businesses.  And doing exactly what they wanted to do. And if you're somebody who is out there at the moment, who has an idea or knows within, the depth of your being that you want to do something else and for yourself,  this podcast, is for you.  Also, if you have a side hustle and you want to do that full time.  You are our people, or if you're currently an entrepreneur, you're currently a business owner, but you're finding it difficult to move forward to that next step. You're stuck.  We are your people. You are our people. And that is what we're trying to build. We want to help you who Might be stuck, might need that help to move forward on how to reign when it's raining and that's R E I G N because if you've been through the shit, which you probably have because it's life and life throws at us a lot of shit, some more than others, but we've all been through  some terrible challenges, and trauma and, life changing experiences and It's not about , just living day to day and getting through.  It's about, It's about reigning. It's about absolutely enjoying your best life, your future life, the life, you know, that you can live. That is what we, that's what we want to share with you.  We want you to go on this journey with us. We're still learning, you know, we haven't got it all together.  We have just taken small steps. Doing things messy. We're not perfect. We fuck up all the time. We,  don't know everything, but we're learning. And we'd love to, for you guys to, to be with us on this journey and  to help, if we can just help one person, one person that can change somebody's world and it's  being able to have that impact. That's why we're doing this.  

Absolutely right, Abi, and you articulated that really well.   Anybody listening to this podcast would really understand that because most people who start an entrepreneurial journey will have these thoughts, and will have been through and want to change things in their lives.  We are still learning. We're on this journey together. As a collective, as a movement, as a tribe, whatever you want to call it, because people, You know, and as a Reignmaker, as part of the rainmaker family, I think that, we all need people.  There was that poet that died up in Birmingham last year.  

When you say, sorry, when mum says poet, it just makes me laugh because of her lovely accent. But every time she says it, it gets me because I was saying poem and poet, poet, poet and poem.  

You've put me off what I was going to say there, I've forgotten.  And I know that I'm a bit like Ronnie Corbett, I go off on a tangent sometimes, so  yeah. So but there was this poet that died last year up in Birmingham,  forgive me, I've forgotten his name right now. But that's what he said, people need people.  Yeah, people always need people,  to support and help because look, you can, you can read many books. And they're, they help. And at the time you're really excited and you want to do things and all of that. And you can listen to lots of different things and you want to be excited and then you go off on your own and then you become stuck and it's when you've got somebody there, when you've got this community, when you've got somebody there that knows that, that understands that, and that wants to be on this journey with you,  it'll really help you get to where you want to be.
Yeah. And it's accountability as well, , because , , we find it so difficult to hold ourselves accountable. Um, but when you've got somebody else or a community, as you said, that you're doing things with, , that changes everything. It really, really helps.

And there's a huge support and,  for us, one of the ideas that we've had, um, I think I nicked it from Stephen Bartlett actually, who's incredible,  The Diary of a, Diary of a CEO, his podcast, he was saying about, setting people homework,  setting listeners homework. Now that is something that we want to implement.
Obviously cue eye roll from all the rebels. You don't have to do this homework. It's not compulsory.  But it will be, it's there to help you. It's there to guide you. It's there  to move you forward  on this journey.  And that's what we want to do. We want to give you a transformation or it's not us giving you anything.
It's you doing the work. It's you doing it for yourself.  We're not giving it to you.  It's, it's you, you've got it all within you. You have it all there within you, and it's just having  people  to guide, to help, to nurture, to support, because everything you already want  is there, it's just tapping into it. 

 I was just thinking about this as you were talking and I'm thinking about tapping into it and changing your relationship with thought.  

Yeah, I think that's really important.  When you change your relationship with thought, your current thought doesn't, isn't your default state.
If you like, it isn't your default state. You can change your state at any time.  

You can choose your thoughts. 

You can, you can choose your thoughts and you can change your state. But it's 
the thoughts and beliefs are linked. 

Yeah, absolutely. So You change your beliefs, you change your thoughts,  that's your choice  and that impacts, your feelings, your emotions, and then your actions.

 Absolutely. You just think of where you are at the moment and why you started this journey. Um. Or even if you haven't started yet. Yeah. Or why you're thinking of starting this journey, and always start  with the end goal in mind.  Yeah. I think that's so important.  Always have your end goal in mind and then use your stepping stones to get to that end goal.

And remember, I know  I was just going to say, remember, action is clarity.  Yes. Action is clarity because even if you're doing something and it's, it goes wrong, it doesn't matter. You learn from it. You learn from everything. So if you're not taking action, nothing's happening. You're not, you're being one of those people that says they're going to do something and then never does it. And do you know what happens with those people? They die with their dreams.  You do not want to be one of those people because the top number one regret of the dying, it's actually been documented. It's regretting the things,  that they were too scared to do. , that they let their self limiting beliefs, their subconscious mind, their ego, stop them from doing the things or saying the things that they wanted to say, or doing the things that they wanted to do. That's the number one regret of the dying.
Do you want to get to your deathbed where  you're thinking to yourself, Fucking hell, that went quick. Here I am. Why the fuck was I so worried about what?  Brenda next door, Brenda next door thought, or, you know, this person on social media. I mean,  imagine, just imagine being hopefully in your nineties because getting old is a privilege and thinking to yourself, shit, this is it.
I'm almost done on this, on this earth.  And I was worried about what somebody thought of me. And that stopped me from doing what I wanted to do or taking a chance or taking any action whatsoever. No.  That is not how you want to live. And you know it, you know it. You just need to keep that at the forefront of your mind.

You do, Abi, but, there is the subconscious which draws you back to the familiar.  And very often people don't know the reasons they might want to try and do that and try and do that. And then the subconscious because, well, Take you back to the familiar because the brain doesn't like change.
And again, it's the fear of the unknown and the brain doesn't like change. And there are ways to overcome it.  There are ways you can, we can do that now, actually. 

Here's a little,  exercise you can do to overcome this. So this is just a two minute. exercise.  So only do this if it's safe to do so. So just take a moment to take a deep breath in and close your eyes   and what I'd like you to do is I would like you to just sit with the thought of where you want to be,  what your goal is.  And when you sit with that thought of where your goal is, imagine your goal, on that cinema screen. Imagine a cinema screen and your goal is there. It could be you there.  You can see yourself on there  and now what I want you to do  is I want you to notice the stepping stones.  The path  that's going to take you to that goal.  Because you're going to use stepping stones, small steps at a time.
Just start, take the first step,  and then continue on to the next, and the next. And you'll see that cinema screen with your goal on it getting closer.  and closer  because it's not just your goal, you're putting a time frame on it.  The other thoughts will drift in and out of your mind at the same time.
But just try and ignore them and just try and focus on your goal, because that's the subconscious mind pulling you back to the familiar, Oh, I need a cup of tea, or I need to go and do some work, or I need to do this, but try and sit with this   and the more you try and focus on your goal and that cinema screen. 
And you see these stepping stones, and you know exactly what you've got to do to get there. You know exactly how to get there. You've made your clear plan,  and it's only your mind that's been stopping you getting there. And you're doing this, and that goal is getting closer, and closer, and closer.  And then you can step right into it,  and see yourself there.
You are there,  and imagine what that feels like.  It's amazing, right? Because you've done it. You're focused. You knew you were on the right path and you are now there.  This is you.  And doesn't that feel wonderful?  You can see yourself. You can really feel that because your mind and your body  act as one. So you can see it.
You can feel it. You're there. You've stepped into it.  You've reached your goal  and now you can open your eyes. 
What did that feel like for you? Having visualized that.
If you try and do this on a daily basis, it'll really help you focus your mind. Because when you try and do this, it's like meditation. When you do meditate on a daily basis, cause that's something I would definitely encourage, what it'll do is you realise.
It's how capable your brain is of change while it's scientifically proven that your brain is so capable of change. It's not  something else that's  that's going to help you with this. It is your own mind  the power of your mind is huge. And that's been scientifically proven that you can grow the new neuropaths in the prefrontal cortex, cortex of your mind.
And the gray matter, the gray matter expands the more you meditate. And you realize that you can actually achieve what it is you want to achieve. It is within you. You've heard lots of people say that, , it's not an outside force. It is your responsibility. You, you're responsible for yourself to get to where you want to be. 
t's not an outside force that's going to do that for you. It's you.  And that's really important to know that. 

And adding a meditation into your daily practice is massive.  Mum and I, we have our stories and, I'm sure that you will get to know  us, as, as time goes on.
We've had some real heavy shit to go through, um, to, to work through both of us have, and.  One of the things that has massively helped me in the last two years, but specifically I'd say the last eight months is , I've done a daily meditation practice and you do come home to yourself and t's so good for you, not only as mum was saying, does it build, help you to build new neuro pathways so you can make these changes and  it has an effect on your, your nervous system.
So , your nervous  system settles, your immune system plugs into your nervous system. So therefore it has an effect  on that as well.  It's just a whole calming,  your body, you know, you're lowering your blood pressure, you're lowering your heart rate.
You're putting yourself into a safe, state, and you're making that time for you. And whether it's just two minutes, like, like mum just did. With a visualisation or whether it's 10 minutes, it doesn't matter, just starting to incorporate that into your daily practice makes such a huge difference.
I know when I haven't meditated, like I can literally tell, I can tell I'm more. I'm more pissed off with the world. And I know that sounds ridiculous, but I get more angry.  When I've made sure that I'm still meditating,  and I do it as a daily practice, cause you know, things get in the way.
If I've had too much to drink, say on a, on a Saturday night, sometimes on a Sunday, I won't meditate. And, I can see, I can tell that, I'd get more impatient with people in a queue. Or,  if I was stuck in traffic, I might get a little bit more agitated. But honestly, when I meditate, I swear it pisses off my boyfriend because.
I do it to him. He gets, he'll get annoyed with something, which he doesn't generally get annoyed about, but he'll get, yeah, but I'll be like, yeah, but just a little things, especially when he's hangry, um, when he needs to eat and he'll say something like, Oh, for God's sake.  And I'll just be like, Oh,  why are you worried?
They, you know, they've got their issues. Everything's amazing and love and lights and  that's all rainbows and stars. Yeah, um, but it is, it really helps you be like that. It's, do you know what it does? It high, it, it changes your frequency to a higher vibe. And that is what we are all about. You have to operate from that higher vibe.
Because if you're coming from this, Low vibe, low frequency,  you just can't do the things that you can do  when you're at that level, when you're plugging in, when you're tuning in every day, as Cathy Heller says, you're tuning into that radio station every day, you're upping your frequency.
That just makes such a huge difference to how you are in the world, how you look at the world.  It's the light and dark. It really is. And that's something that we, we are a bit woo as well. So although mum is a clinical therapist and NLP practitioner, I'm currently studying NLP and I'm going to be certified soon.
We are also a bit woo.  

That's why I say define woo. Yeah. Well, I mean, I'm a hypnotherapist.

You can't get more fucking woo than that. Can you? I mean,  no, because it's actually very science based. So no, I know what you're saying. I know what you're saying. 

I think, the results and this is something, the results from, seeing people for hypnotherapy is just amazing. Just to see people being able to move on with their lives and do what they want to do is huge. And that's my absolute passion.  Absolutely love that. Being able to see people, to stop them being stuck and help them move on and gain that confidence. 

If you look at all the really successful entrepreneurs, like Brendan Bruchard,  Dean Graziosi,  Tony Robbins, but loads of other others as well. These are just names that come to me because they're people that I respect. 

Dr. Joe Dispenza, who I love. 

Yeah, when it comes to business and your own business and, the entrepreneurial path, it is 90 percent mindset, 10 percent strategy.

Your mindset.  That is the key. and it's.   As we've just, as we've said, taking messy action, not being scared to do that.  And believing in yourself,  it's self belief, that you can do whatever it is that you want to do. 
You know, that you can,   When you're not listening to your imposter syndrome or when you meditate, if you meditate, if you don't, you need to try it. , it's that inner voice that you have that you can sometimes hear going, I could do that. But you don't because you let something else stop you from doing that, that inner knowing,  you know, that you can do it.
You know, that you could do it, you know, that you probably should be doing it.  You already know, it's just having that belief and believing in yourself.  

And also having that confidence, Abi, to do that, the belief and the confidence to do that. Because how many people do we think, well, you know, they were okay, but I could do a better job,  but they had the confidence to do that.

There are people out there that are less talented than you.  But they're doing it because they've got the confidence.  They've got the belief. They've got the fucking balls at the end of the day to go and do it. 

Yeah. And life is about confidence. Yeah. I'm not giving a shit about what somebody else thinks about you. You know, just get on and do it because this is the other thing you were talking about the end of life. And,  that's huge because, you know, I, I, I was saying earlier, start with the end in mind.
Well, think about that as well from the end of your life. And a very good question is to ask yourself   when I look back at my life  and if it was successful, what does that look like? What would my life look like if it was successful?  

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. What are the things that I said yes to? What are the things that I said no to? Yeah. What, what, what made my life a success? And success is different to everybody. 


You know, success can mean something different to you than it does to us.   I know certainly from my point of view, success to me means freedom. That's what I want.  That's why I'm an entrepreneur. That's why I work for myself. I also don't like being told what to do. That drives me absolutely fucking crazy. Um, but I'm just being honest. That's why, and what success means to me. It's freedom. Um, it's having the ability to plan my own day and not be. told, Oh, you've got to be here and you've got to be in this meeting. I mean, obviously when you work for yourself, you need to have discipline.  You have to have discipline.  

Absolutely. You know, so, sorry, I, I was really engrossed in what you were saying there and I'm just like, I've got, I've got so many thoughts going through my head.

Oh well at least, at least somebody is. 

Well, look, this is our first episode and this is the first time, this is the first time that we've done this and we've gone all over the shop.  But actually  this is an introduction into who we are. Um, and for you to get an idea of who we are, because you know, not everybody's for everyone.  And.  We are not offended by that and neither should you be.  Do you like everybody? No. Um, so people aren't always going to like you and that is okay, but you also do find your people and that is what we want to do. We want to find our people. And this is the first episode where it's just been just the two of us talking.
Every other episode that we've done so far, we have interviewed people. We've interviewed our guests. So this is a first for us and  please, please bear with us because we are trying to add structure to this. We are going to, look for sort of themes.  But as this is an introduction, we're kind of doing it off the cuff.
It's not scripted. , we didn't know what we were going to talk about. We just wanted to talk about why we're doing this.  Who we're trying to help. And , for, for you to get a taste of all of our personalities, I guess.  

Absolutely. Yeah. It's just to say, , hold on. I want to tune in to that frequency and, and being the Reignmaker family, which is, um, lovely.

I love our name as well. And it is reigning when it's raining.  

Absolutely. And it is digging deep sometimes  sometimes we just have to dig so deep and you just wonder how do I get there? Put, put one foot in front of the other. So the thing is to know that you're not alone because that happens to so many people and then we're too scared to show it and we put on this front and it's when you show your vulnerability that you can actually grow and learn and not be scared of what others think, because we all go through the tough times and the learning you take from that is huge.  Yeah. You realize your own ability to not just survive, but to thrive.  

Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. 

Yes. And that's really important. Yeah. 

But this is a thing. Exactly. And this is why we're How To Reign When It's Raining because R E I G N, reign,  as, as mum was just saying, it's not just survive, it's thrive.
Just because you've been through the shit, it doesn't mean that you're there just to exist.  It doesn't mean that you shouldn't go after the things that you want to go after. You should be living when you shut your eyes and you, you really come home to yourself and you see yourself in five years time, when you have that picture, that this is your future self, your future self life, that's what you should be living.
And that is the reign when it's raining, that is how to reign when it's raining. So  what you can expect from us.  We will be with you once a week.  And going forward because we have launched. 

How lucky are you? 

Yeah, some will say lucky, some will say unlucky.  . But this is our very first episode, as we've said,  because this is launch day, it is Tuesday, the 23rd of July, 2024.  I can't believe that I'm saying this is launch day. This is something we've been talking about for nine months and finally we're here doing it.

It's like a pregnancy, isn't it? 

Doing it messy, but we're doing it like, yeah, like a pregnancy. This is the, this is, well, you can expect us, this is who we are.
We're very real, and our guests. We're going to be interviewing,  we've got some great, guests lined up for you.  Entrepreneurs, who once weren't entrepreneurs, , who have. Work through some really, really hard stuff, and have come through the other side and  are thriving, are reigning when it's raining, when it has rained,  and that's going to be once a week and you can tune in,  on your favorite platforms.

Please make sure that you follow us,  or subscribe. And also if you can find it in your hearts to share,  our episodes, if you like it, if you feel like somebody else could benefit, please do. And please bear with us. This is our first go.

They will get better. The editing will get better.  And we're on this journey with you.  And thank you, thank you all so much for, for being here with us. It, even if there's one person listening to this, you don't have any idea what that means. It's, it's well, actually, do you know what I'm sure you do?

You can imagine it means, it means a lot. And I feel like I'm about to get emotional. So I,  I do, I'm tearing up.  

Thank you so much for listening. 

Is that  it? Are we done? Is that our first episode? I think that's our first episode. So thank you. I think we've said enough. 

Yeah. We're both, we're both going to end up crying in a minute.

Yeah. Absolutely. It's just that when you think, if we could just help even just one person to realise their dreams and, you know, realise their potential, their potential, their dreams, but actually to Help their dreams come to fruition,  and realise their dreams on everything. Yeah, absolutely.

That means the world. 

It means absolutely the world, and because I know where I've come from and the, the hard times and you can, believe me, if I can sit here and talk to you,  anybody can, now it's my turn to well up. 

Anybody can achieve anything. Believe me. You can, because we're both, We're both living proof of it. Um, and  if we can do it, there's no bloody reason why you can't. So stick with us, Reignmakers.  Thank you for being here. We love you.  And, we're very excited. We're very excited.  

We are indeed. 

And love you, Mum.  

Love you too.  

 if you're still listening, thank you, Reignmakers, for sticking with us. Today's key takeaways are, number one, understanding the why behind your actions is crucial for overcoming procrastination. Two, recognise that many limitations are in your mind and work to change your relationship with thought. Three, incorporate meditation into your daily routine for improved mental clarity and emotional stability, and Four become part of our Reignmaker family, join our community to stay motivated and overcome challenges. Depending where you're listening, you might have a link to get in touch with us below. Otherwise, please send us an email or message us on social media. We'd love to hear from you with your stories, Questions or with ideas of what you would like to hear going forward. We will be including these in our future episodes and the links are in the show notes. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with someone you think might like or benefit from it. And please leave us a rating or review. It really helps us spread the word and we can't do that without you, our lovely listeners.

Thank you. Rainmakers. 

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