How to Reign When it's Raining

Is this it? Life Transformation with Sarah Braysher

July 23, 2024 Reign When it's Raining Season 1 Episode 2

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Our guest episode this week is with Sarah Braysher, a transformational coach, manifesting expert and owner of The Activation Method®. She helps ambitious women create extraordinary success, impact and wealth without stress and struggle.

We dive into Sarah's inspirational journey from a 15-year career as a chartered accountant to becoming a successful spiritual coach. Hear about the tough decisions she made during lockdown, the trauma and challenges she faced with her daughter's birth, and the transformative practices like journaling, meditation and energy work that helped her find true purpose and happiness. Learn about her mission to help women heal and become spiritual coaches, and the importance of aligning career and personal fulfillment. This heartfelt conversation also touches on overcoming imposter syndrome, generational patterns and the power of messy action.

00:00 Introduction: A Journey of Transformation
00:35 From Accountant to Spiritual Coach
03:10 The Awakening During Lockdown
06:15 Facing Trauma and Finding Healing
08:26 Overcoming Anxiety and Embracing Support
14:15 Rediscovering Purpose and Family Balance
17:31 Breaking Generational Patterns
19:29 Healing the Inner Child
19:54 Understanding Beliefs About Money
20:09 Mind-Body Connection
20:32 Influences and Spiritual Journey
22:15 Embracing Spiritual Gifts
23:16 The Witch Wound and Societal Impact
24:45 Gut Health and Emotional Well-being
26:12 Personal Transformation Through Hypnotherapy
27:56 Taking Messy Action
34:46 Balancing Career and Motherhood
36:33 Future Aspirations and Vision
37:58 Final Thoughts and Gratitude

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Identify one small step you can take towards a goal you’ve been putting off.  Write it down and commit to completing it within the next 48 hours.

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Hi, and welcome back to the How to Reign When it's Raining podcast with Abi and Dolina. We have a great show for you today. Please listen for the key takeaways and action steps at the end. Yes, we will sometimes be setting you homework. You don't have to do it, but it will  help you on your journey.
Today's guest is a transformational coach manifesting expert and the owner of the activation method. She helps ambitious women create extraordinary success Impact and wealth without stress and struggle. So please welcome Sarah Braysher! 

You've been on some journey, haven't you? 

I have been on quite some journey.  I don't know where you guys want me to start, actually.  

Well, you start wherever you feel comfortable. Yeah, it's about you, not, not about us. So yeah, wherever you feel comfortable. 

Okay, so there's probably a couple of major things that I would love to share with you guys today about the, the highs and the lows and the, um, kind of process in trauma,  and coming through the other side. 
I kind of what I did to deal with that sort of thing. So the first thing is that I was a chartered accountant for 15 years. And,, now I'm a spiritual coach and I have my own academy and I teach women how to, how to become spiritual coaches and helping women heal and helping them to be more spiritual.
Really shift their perspective and, and all that lovely stuff. But, 15 years, I was an accountant and I did everything that I thought I was supposed to do. You know, get a good job, get a good career, Sarah, you'll be set for life. And I'd only ever really seen my family, like my dad was a chartered insurer, and my mom was working in insurance.
So it was always a corporate world that I assumed was making it in the world.  So,, I decided to be an accountant and I did probably about 50 exams,  to become a child accountant. And yeah, it was, it was intense. Um, and I remember getting to the end of that and getting a really good job in an incredibly successful airline within UK and sitting in that office and just thinking,  is this it?
Like, is this it? Because I'm the sort of person that's like, right, what's next? What's next? What's next? And I was always looking to the next exam. I've always been very driven, very disciplined, very dedicated to whatever I put my mind to. But when I sat in that office and I looked around me at the, you know, people that were all incredible, but Some of them not necessarily my people.
And just looking at this box, you know, this office was like a box. I was sat at this box desk with my box laptop and my little lunch box. I was like, I just felt so enclosed. 

And you felt boxed. 

 Yeah, literally we were boxed in. Yeah. And I thought, is this it? Like, is this what people. Deemed to be successful.

You know, everyone in my family, I was so proud of you. So you're doing so well, but actually not one of them ever said to me, are you happy? And I was working my way through and I was becoming a manager and all they were seeing on the external that I'm successful, that  what they deemed me to be successful, but that never equaled happiness for me.
And I remember just thinking, well, that's it then  I've done what I was supposed to do.  40 years I'll be an accountant. And,  you know,  society has always, you know, at school told us, what career do you want? There was never really any flexibility within that. And I, I thought once I'd done all those exams, I can't then say to my mom or my dad, actually, I don't want to do this anymore.
There was kind of an element of shame that could potentially come upon me.  For that. So every day I would turn up and I do my numbers and, and I would,  work long hours,  But I kind of went along with it and it was only through lockdown when I would say, like, my big awakening happened, where we all sat at home. Obviously, everyone was kind of, you know, in lockdown and the more I was at home, the more available I was. So there's nothing else to do.
Right. So I was saying, you know, Oh yeah, of course I'll do another hour. I'll do it. I'll do a bit of the weekend. That's not a problem. And the more that I gave, the more that they took.  And I allowed that. So it also taught me a lot about my boundaries because I allowed that. But I remember the day when, um, Enough was enough was when I, I remember seeing Isla, Isla, she was about three years old at that point.
She came up, she's like, mommy, can we play? And I was like, no, I've got another call. And she's like, can I just sit with you while we do the call? And I'm like, yeah, of course you can. I remember my manager saying,  do you mind if your daughter's not on this call? It doesn't look very professional.  And I was like, what, what am I supposed to leave her downstairs on her own? 
And, um, and I just burst into tears and I just thought, I can't do this anymore. And I remember her going to the toilet and bringing me back some tissue and wiping my tears away. I was like, I,  I can't do this anymore. Because if I say to her, you can be and do anything you want to be and do. I don't want her to ever say to me, but mommy, why are you not doing that then?
Yeah. Because they'll watch your feet, not your lips. I'm telling her to do something that I physically wasn't doing for myself. And that was that point where I just said, Enough is enough.  So I was there for another four months, and then I was able to take redundancy, which was such a blessing.   But I don't know if I ever truly  allowed myself that time to reflect back on  , those last 15 years, because I then went into, like, what's next?
What's next? And that's very much been how I've processed a lot of things. or not processed a lot of things, I have covered them over, masked them over, not, not, not worked through them. Um, It's almost like being in survival mode, isn't it? Yeah, absolutely. And, and I was seeing, Maybe that vulnerability is maybe a weakness that I didn't want to be seen, you know, within the household.
I'm usually seen as quite the strong one who holds the house together. And, you know, my partner, he just goes with the flow. He's like, whatever. He doesn't know anything about the bills. He doesn't know anything about the school uniforms.  Like, and I didn't want that structure to, I, I assumed it would crumble if I crumbled.
So I just kept going and kept going and kept going.  And then. Very much wanted to go into coaching,  and then invested a ton of money and felt none the wiser. Again, that was another panic because I was like, Oh, what do I do? I don't want to go back to work. I don't want to let my family down. I'd never want to go back into that position.
And I was really fortunate that I then found something that I loved that I could then teach.  Which is one of the modalities, which I really, really love. So I was very blessed with that.  Until.  Our second daughter came along, and that was the second, like, trauma that was That was trauma, because she was resuscitated in front of us, she got stuck, um, she, I think it's shoulder dystocia, it was called, so basically her shoulder had twisted, but it was blocking her airway, so they said, you know, another 10 seconds, she would have been brain damaged or dead.
And just looking at my partner while they take her and resuscitate her, and you're waiting for that cry, um. And his tears, like, was going down, like, strolling down his face, and I was like, what is going on? And then you hear that cry. But just that, you know, that, knowing that that five, ten seconds could have made such a difference.
But again, I never processed that trauma, because the next day, you can go home, Sarah. 

That must have felt like a lifetime while you were waiting for that cry. 

Yeah, absolutely. And the harder he was squeezing my hand, it, it was, it felt like,  Like nothing I'd ever felt before. Um, because, you know, they were calling people in.
It was, you know, they were, you know, pushing my legs up, trying to get her out. She's stuck, she's stuck. And then there's this lifeless body coming out. And you just think, oh, just in that instance, everything could have changed. Our whole world could have changed just like that. And, again, being sent home the next day, You've got a five year old now, who needs you?
Now, there was never that time to process that trauma. Kept going, kept going, kept going. But eventually, if you keep going and you don't process something, Bam!  It's going to hit you right in the face. And it's, and,  it hit. Bad. , I couldn't connect with Layla at all, which my second daughter, I couldn't, I couldn't connect with her.
I was still very much trying to live in a life where I only had one child,  but, you know, I wanna go to gym and I wanna do this, and I wanna, I wanna hold on one-on-one sessions, and I wanna do courses and stuff. And I never slowed down 'cause I just didn't want to. It was like, I didn't want to face what had happened.
And then it hit and then I was a mess.   Because I'd, I'd suppressed it for so long, it was like, the body was like, no, no, no, we've got to get this out now.  so there was, you know, on the floor crying, there was anxiety to even , leave the house with her.  Because I nearly lost her once, what if I get in the car and someone hits the car?
What if I go outside? If someone steals her, like it got to that intrusive place. I lost her once. I can't lose her again.  That's what happens when you're in that anxious state. Everything gets catastrophized, 

You think the worst, don't you? Absolutely. 

And everyone that was coming near her, I thought the worst, Because I was so  clingy with her. She was clingy with me. So then my mum couldn't even hold her. Chris couldn't bond with her for at least four months. , because she would cry every time, you know, he tried to hold her because I was like, no, she's my baby. I don't want to lose her.
So I mean, in dealing with that is taken. Well, she's just turned a year now, so it has taken a lot of inner work to really dig deep and say, what's going on here, Sarah?   You know, I didn't want to put that on anyone else because I did start to,  you know, push other people away. Yeah. And I was like, no, I need to actually deal with what's going on inside.
However ugly it is and however painful it is.  Have a look at that,  that was my question to you was what did you actually do 
I was doing a lot of journaling, meditating, I, I do a lot of writing, so I just sat down with a pen and paper and I was like, right, what's going on? 
And everything came out, like, even the really intrusive thoughts, like, I'm scared she's going to die in her sleep, I'm scared that a car's going to hit her, and, you know, and all these things. So I got everything out, I didn't hide anything anymore. And I looked at it, but when I got it out from here, like, from my head, and my body took paper, that was like, Such a relief in itself because it had been going round in a loop again and again and again and actually putting it onto paper.
I thought, Oh,  I could feel like I could breathe just that little bit. I mean, it didn't fix everything, but just that little bit.  Um, the second thing I did was I got out in nature and I'd been sat in this house for months  and I didn't want to go out. I didn't want to go out. It was too cold. It's raining every little excuse because I just didn't want to see anybody.
So I would message my mom.  And I'd say, you know, can we walk around the park together or go to the forest together? I didn't do it on my own, but I had that support, you know, even with Chris, he would drag me out. He's like, right, come on.
We're going out, we need to get some fresh air. And it's knowing that you have those people, even one or two, doesn't have to be a big crowd. Because at that time, I didn't want to see a lot of people, but knowing that just those two people had my back. 

You had that support.  Yeah. Well, you, you knew you weren't alone.

Exactly. But, and that's huge. Yeah, definitely. You can't feel really alone, even when you're in a crowd of people, can't you? 

Yeah,  absolutely. .

I also  Um, I did,  a lot of like energy cord cutting. So I've been learning quite a lot about the energy cords between me and events or me and certain people. 
And I'd imagine myself pulling them out and sending them away. 
And  I just allowed myself some time. I stopped working. I allowed myself time to rest, which again I wasn't allowing myself to do. Napping when Layla was napping. Sleeping when she was sleeping. And just allowing my body to heal again. Um, so those are the main things. Exercise, journaling, meditating, and leaning more into, just into resting and being. 

A lot of people would just think, Oh, I need to go to the doctors and I need to get a pill. You know, and certainly years ago and to an extent it still is, what happens, but I think more and more people are becoming aware now of, , it's okay to feel this way and I, ,  there is other help out there other than just going to the doctors and get taking a pill to suppress  what's there because that's what it does.  You suppressed and when you suppress your emotions, they manifest themselves in your mind and your body somehow, and they have to come out.  

I remember being on antidepressants. It was a good about 10 years ago, but I actually didn't feel a single thing on them in terms of I didn't feel happy. I didn't feel sad. I didn't feel angry. I didn't feel pain. I just felt existing. 

Yeah, it's numb. 

Yeah. Massively. And I didn't want to go back to that. Not because it was a sign of weakness before, because they were very needed previously. But now that I've got a lot of tools, , a lot of breath work again, I leaned into breath work, which I absolutely love because now I understand that, , everything is energy.
So when that energy is stored in your body,, finding different ways and methods, like you said, if you, if you don't shift that heavy energy, it does manifest into, , different elements. I do a lot of. Silent counseling, which is working with breath work and the meridian points of the body. And I found that a lot of people that have got maybe anger issues, it's all in the liver.

. . That's so interesting.

 I love that because  I know , with any kind of trauma and anything that you suppress, as we were just saying, it does manifest physically and mentally and with me, certainly, I had it manifest within with my body in a big, big physical way where it was detrimental to my physical health. And I know that a lot of grief is held in your shoulders and in your hips.
Somebody was actually talking on a podcast  about how they felt this cascade of energy come all the way down their back and the backs of their legs and then leave them, which I just thought was absolutely incredible.

 This journey that you've been on, going from an accountant and then thinking  there must be more to this,  aren't you just so happy that you had those thoughts?
Because you knew, you knew there was more, but aren't you so proud of yourself for being the person  who was brave enough  to explore and leave that behind and take those steps? Because , we know that a lot of people are stuck. Doing something that they don't really want to be doing and you were saying about the feelings of shame ,  it's almost like a guilt all these people around you are thinking wow You're so successful and this is incredible, but not one of them asked you if you were happy, 

there was a huge amount of fear. , I think it helped because I was made redundant.  However, after that, of course, a lot of my loved ones were like, Oh, we found an accountancy job, Sarah. Be perfect for you. Apply for this. Go for that.
And,  even,  a year in, there will be times where even Chris like there's an accountancy role that's come up at work and I'm like, no, there has been an element sometimes of , Oh, should I, because it's that safety. Right. But I'm like, no, that's not what I'm here for. I'm here for mass. Oh my God. Massive.  And I've actually made it so much more, not about me because the work that I do now changes lives. , if I go back to being an accountant, who's life am I changing? Yeah. Nobody's apart from like the big dog who's getting all the bonuses and having a lovely time But I remember someone also saying to me like you can be replaced at work like that You cannot be replaced at home And and that's always sat with me because I thought if I go back to work and I become ill You know,  my purpose is taken away from me,, being an accountant sat at a desk, that's not my purpose. 
 So I've really had to dig my heels in with a lot of these things and just say, no,  I'm bringing myself back to my purpose and bring myself back to, , what I'm here for,  and also now, given my daughters the visibility that you can be and do whatever you want.  Everything that I've done now is for them to open their eyes.
And now, as soon as, you know, nursery call, the school call, Oh, your child needs to picking up. I'm there. So not only do I have such a fulfilling business that I adore, I'm also never missing a nativity, never missing a school play, never missing anything with my children. So I can be the present mom and show them that there is more to life than what we are showing in schools, in education, um, and in society.

I think that schools should actually teach that, I really do think they should teach that these values.  Getting back to what you were saying  the, the top regrets of the people that are dying by the palliative care nurse.
And the top regret was I wish I lived a life that was true to me, not one that other people expected from me. And that's what you were just talking about when you were saying , you're trying to please your family. You're trying to please everybody else, but you weren't happy doing this because it was others expectations of you.

And I've had to really break the generational patterns  as well. So, another thing is, you know, being a successful businesswoman and having your children. All I've ever seen within my family is that , my mom gave up her career to be a mom.
My nan gave up her career to be a mom. My auntie, my cousin. So again, it's another generational pattern where I'm like, I get to be successful and be a mom. Like, that's pretty cool. But again, it's a huge thing that I've, it's not just happened overnight. There's been a lot, a lot of imposter syndrome, a lot of, What am I doing?
Should I just go back to work? Would it be easier to be on a payroll?  And you know, really  keeping that focus  On what I did this for in the first place,. How did you get over that imposter syndrome that,  voice in your head,  your subconscious mind that's trying to protect you, , by keeping you safe and, , stopping you moving forward.

How did you, how did you overcome that?  

So a lot of the work that I do, , involves, like in the child work as well. So I would sit, I wouldn't just ignore it anymore. Like I used to, I would sit with it and I would address it and say, right, where's this come from? What is this imposter syndrome?

Who's ever said this to me before? Because the beliefs that we've got have come from somewhere, whether it be from,  when you're a child, whether it's a generational pattern, . So I use a lot of muscle testing as well to find out where this has come from. So in muscle testing, for example,, your body knows the answers. 
So I've learned a lot around listening to my body rather than my mind, because on a cellular level, my body knows where this belief has come from. If it's something that's come from, say, the age of five, where I was not picked to be a main character in a school play, for example, and I've made that mean that I'm not good enough.
I go back to that version of me with my eyes closed. I go back to that version of me and I just check in with her and say, what do you need? And I give her that nurturing, that support, and that love. And I reframe that belief going back to that timeframe.   And then I'm able to clear that because I'm giving that version of her what she needs and then bringing in a new belief,  that I want to believe instead.
So it's, it's, it's, It's quite in depth work, . I check in and I say, where's this come from? Because it doesn't just come from nowhere. There are people out there now that believe that money is so easy to make. And there are people out there that believe that money is really difficult to make.

So it's not that everyone believes the same thing. It's come from what you've seen or heard from somewhere.  

Absolutely right. And , when you were saying, when you're tapping into your. Body to find out and you're doing your muscular thing. Then what that is, is your mind is your mind of thought and your body is your feeling. 
So you're checking in with the thoughts that's coming in. And this is how my body's feeling with these thoughts. 

It's so fascinating. It really is. It's amazing. The subjects that we could certainly talk about,  and, We're discovering more and more and more all the time about it as well, which is wonderful because it's great to learn ,   with regards to your influencers for you taking this road that you're on now, who did you turn to for self help? Who was your biggest influencer out there?  

There were two ladies who I saw on social media.  One of them was called Jojo Ellen. She actually created the activation method, which I teach now, which has got a lot of the like timeline therapy, inner child work,  energy,  cord cutting, forward,  Like pacing towards what your goals are, what they're going to feel like. So she actually created a modality and I started watching her, , on social media and I'm like, Oh, I felt like that was, as soon as I started listening to her talking before that I'd done a lot of, you know, neuro linguistic programming, I'd done, , all the certifications, which was amazing, but it was kind of missing the spiritual side, the energetic side. And I was like, Oh, I could bring these two together. That'd be awesome.  She started talking about what she'd been through. And I had a session. I was one of their case studies. And after that one session, I'm like, right, I need to teach this. I need to learn it. This is it.  I found my tribe.
I found my tribe.  And then she actually created, , like a spiritual coaching, course as well, which then involved me becoming a practitioner for silent counselling, which is the breath work with the meridian point.  And it just changed everything. So that's where, um, That whole path came in, and I just, she said, well, this course is X amount, I'll just, I'll just pay credit card.
Honestly, I need it. I need it in my life, you know, in your eyes, it's like  my soul just lit up. It's like, um,   And then I became, you know, friends with a lot of women who were maybe closet in the spiritual manifested, but didn't really talk about it because it wasn't a done thing. Um, and we all kind of came out of the closet together. 

I love that. That's brilliant. We came out of the closet together. It's amazing. Do you know, it's so funny that you say that because  it's almost like, you know, There can be  a shame, not a shame, but a, uh, it's like you're, you're hiding this amazing gift that we all have that we can all tap into and for some reason. 
We don't, a lot of people, and it's only something that I've only recently started doing over the last  18 months to a year, really,  allowing me to be that person.  And I just think, why? Why do people, why, it's like people are scared of it.

  I've been learning a lot, a lot about this as well,  all around the witch wound.
So a lot of,  you know, millions of women were burnt at the stake,  many, many years ago. But that is still like on an energetic perspective still within society today. So that's why a lot of women now are. They're kind of  creeping out the closet now because if you look at , Hollywood for example, they depict witches to be warts on the end of their nose, green skin, boiling children.

I  would have definitely been burnt at the stake.  

It was, you know, it was women like us who just had these extra gifts, who had maybe a love for crystals and a love for cards, a love for, , energetic work that was seen as these witches. So they would be, you know, mums, they'd be daughters, they'd be aunties, like all these lovely, beautiful souls were, were born.
So that's why after that it was suppressed and not talked about. And it's only really now I feel like a lot more women are finding their voice again to say,  I do love a crystal and I do love helium and I love,   chakra rebalancing and whatever it is that you love. 
but I do feel like more and more women now are, are waking up and it's beautiful.  Yeah, so, so amazing. 

And when you see somebody go through that transition as well, with the work that you do, ,  you must just feel so  light and just incredible. That feeling, it's one of those feelings  you can't describe.

And I think as well, when you start to see that women can connect with their body and the energy, rather than always being in mind, like we've been taught again for so long, that disconnection, you've got to memorize stuff and then you've got to brain dump it all to pass or fail a test, for example, but the massive disconnect people on their phones all the time, they're scrolling Netflix is all no one's connected to their body anymore.
So when you start to see that your clients go, Oh. I'm like, where do you feel that energy in your body? That feeling of unworthiness of shame that God, I can feel it in my stomach.  Gut health is huge now  it's where, it's where a lot of things start, isn't it? With the gut, you know, autoimmune diseases, IBS, all of these things are related to what's going on up here. I wrote an article funnily enough  quite a few years ago on they thought that Parkinson's actually might have started in the gut. 

 The things that you're talking about, like the cord cutting and the timeline and all of that. It's a lot of things that I certainly do with hypnotherapy as well,  and  a lot of the stuff that happens when you're young.
And things get embedded in your mind. 
It's quite amazing how you take that on board. And the thing is. We're doing that subconsciously. We don't realize we're doing it. And then we're self sabotaging things  that we don't know why it's happening. And then when you actually stop and examine it, you realize,  , I love it.

Cause that actually just reminded me of the first session I ever had with you because that was when I, opened my eyes massively. I remember you saying halfway through like, I think we should stop because I was halfway through and the tears were just rolling down because I'd never gone back to that, you know, that five year old version of me who had gone through that with my dad and my dad leaving. , and when you did the timeline on me, it was,  huge because what I got stuck in before that session with you was addiction. You know, a lot of addiction with alcohol, with multiple different things. And actually after that session with you, that stopped. 

I'm pleased to know that that helped you. Thank you.

Yeah, it was huge because I think , not dealing with those sorts of things. I was suppressing it with drugs and alcohol and I just didn't want to, didn't want to actually face it head on. So thank you for that.

Oh, thank you for putting your faith in me,  and that's important, , because you've got to trust, , like you said, with the people that you found online , it felt right for you.
and that's what's important and you're going to attract the people you attract because they buy into you, and that's, that's what life's about,

I would, I would always just say, like, ask somebody or speak out to somebody about what you're going through and just, you know, know that there will be someone there.
You know, it could be, it could be Abi. It could be, you know, any of us, we are here as well to help you guys, but, you know, never suffer in silence because I did that for way too long. Don't try and be the brave person, because, you know, even the brave needs someone to lean on and, you know, please don't ever think that.

You just have to keep on going and keep on pushing forward because there is always going to be someone out there who just wants to listen. Sometimes we just want to be heard and a second thing in terms of, you know, what I've learned as well, it's like messy action always wins. I know we spoke about this before, Abi, didn't we? But I was always someone who got so caught up in perfection and so caught up in things that got to be perfect and they've got to be the right time and the right space.
And now I'm like, no, messy action always wins, whether that be of my healing journey, whether that be with my business, whether that be with anything, I'm like, okay, well, it's done. We'll crack on. And it might not be perfect. It might be a bit messy, but you know, that's the way you move forward. Don't ever see those, um,  You know, quote unquote failures to be a failure forever is a learning and it's where you grow and it's those bumps in the road that are going to really get you to where you want to be. 

If we wait for things to be perfect, we'll never do things.  That's the thing,  funnily enough, it's a conversation that mum and I were having.
Uh, I think it was yesterday, with our business and we were talking about something that we were wanting to do. And. We both ended up just saying, hang on a minute. Look at what we're doing. We're trying to make this perfect.  We both know that that's what we try to do. So let's go. No, let's take a step back.
We can do this messy. And this is how we're doing it. And you're so absolutely right. Because  if you don't do things like that,  And if you're too scared of it,  not being perfect, you don't take that action and you stop yourself from moving forward. When you look at all these other people  whether they be influencers or people that you know, or  celebrities, whatever.
When you look at these other people with anything that you want to do,  and you can see that.  They look like they're doing it perfectly. Well, that's because they've been doing it for a while. But they didn't start off doing it perfectly. They started off doing it messy and just kept on going.  It's so true.

It's so true. I remember the first session I ever held, a one on one session. I mean, It was pretty bad. I mean, it was good. Like, she loved it, but now that I've done them again and again and again, I've learned from them and I'm actually really, you know, really good at them. So yeah, the first few, I mean, if you look at people's YouTube, for example, if they, like you say, influencer, scroll back to their first videos, they're going to be dire. 
The lighting's going to be rubbish. They're going to be tumbling over their words. Like, but that's again, like you say, it's not what people see now, but you know, scroll back six years on my social media. Wow. What a terrible,  horrendous,  horrendous.  . I think it's, I think it's, When you, when you look back, it's the same as anything, you know, when you say, Oh, we want to go forward and start something, but we're a bit scared or whatever. But then when you ask people, if you look at yourself 10 years from now, and you look back and you wish you'd taken that step and you, you were too scared to take the step.
That's when people go, wow, yeah, you're absolutely right,  so you just need to take that first step because then the steps after that begin to get easier, don't they? It's like those sliding door moments, isn't it? If you don't take that one step, your whole life could go on a completely different path.

.So what's something that's happening for you now that you never thought was possible?  So I have, ,  I've actually started something brand new, which I am still very messy at, and it is called affiliate marketing. I was in network marketing for seven and a half years, and I thought that I would do it for life, and I actually quit.
a few weeks ago, because I was like, this just doesn't align to me anymore, and I wanted to really find something that was fun, that was bringing in, , I'm all about freedom, like, you know, about human design, um, I've got like, all the numbers, all the five, life path five, everything, like, It's all freedom.
So I'm like, I just love helping women create a freedom life. Um, but part of me just didn't have a freedom life myself because obviously I've got the children, but when they're at nursery or school, I was very much doing one on one sessions. I was teaching. I was doing all those things. And, and when the kids get sick, you have to push all those things.
You know, back a couple more weeks, and it has a knock on effect on your income. So I was like, I just want something that, that just ticks along, even though I'm not present, or even if the kids are sick. So I've just started something that's actually, it's actually working, and I never thought it would. So again, that's another kind of example of just taking that leap of faith, because if someone had said to me, you know, six months ago, you'll be able to make a thousand dollars a day, for example, I'd be like, just stop it.
Because, in my old job, it was like 2, 500 a month, for example. So, and that's all I'd ever known. And, again, another box of my income, because that's how much you're going to earn each month. So, having this now,  multiple different streams of income, which I never thought I'd have before, it's exciting.
and I'm new to it, and I'm winging it. And, um, I don't always know what I'm doing, but I've now been able now to have five weeks off. So I've said from yesterday, I'll stop teaching yesterday, I've got five weeks off now, and that's it. I'm going to enjoy the children. I'm going to enjoy Christmas. I'm going to go to all their school plays and I'm going to go to their Christmas things.
I am still like okay financially and that's exciting. 
You don't have to quit your job straight away. You and your financial stability comes first, right? Making sure you're secure because you don't want to go into something new in a energy of panic, lack. fear. You want to still have that security there so that you can actually enjoy this new skill or thing that you're learning without the, I've got to make a sale, I've got to get a client, I've got to do this, that, and that.
It's like, this is fun. And you can just really lean into that energy of fun and still Still keep your job, you know. You don't have to exchange one for the other. You get to decide. I remember when my coach said to me, after I had Leila, I'm like, what do I do with my business now? Because I've got a baby.
She was like, Sarah, you get to decide.  I'm like, what? She's like, you get to decide how you show up for your business. You get to decide what you do in your life. If you want to show up and do a one on one session with your baby on your boob, do it. 
And that line, that sentence has stuck with me because every time now that I feel like, oh, maybe I don't want to do any calls this week, I'm like, well, you get to decide that. Okay.  That's fun. Um, and I lean into that a lot now. So I would say to anyone listening to this, like, you get to decide. If you want to stay in your job and learn something new, great.
If you want to leave your job and do another job, great. Like, you get to decide, and that's awesome. Yeah, because you're not stuck where you are.  

You said something earlier, which was, you can be successful and still be a mum. Um, absolutely, because society was,   previously it was, okay, what are you going to do? Are you going to be a good mum and stay at home with your kids? Or are you going to be this career go getting, not seeing your children, somebody else is bringing them up mother?

 And it's like, it doesn't have to be that way. You can do both. , and also it's,  What you define, what do you define as success?  Because success isn't always having the job, the accountancy job and doing, you know, what other people expect of you.

Success can be to you. I want to spend more time with my family or  I want to do whatever. It can be whatever, you know, it's what success is means to you. Yeah, absolutely. I remember when I first started in the online space like seven years ago and I thought success was the big fancy cars and the big fancy handbags and the high heel shoes.
And now I'm like success for me now is like going to the beach on a Thursday afternoon.  That's cool. Or going out for brunch with a friend. Um, you know, that feels successful to me. 

That's just so beautiful, sorry. Just hearing you talk about it, you're just so lit up. You just, it's just so lovely to see.

Thank you. It is lovely to see.  And that comes across when you,  when somebody's talking about their passion and what they love , and you're doing what you love. , how do your family feel now about watching you doing what you're loving? I think it's opened their eyes to see how happy I actually am now.

So  what's happening for you going forward?  

Oh, so , I've got my own diploma now. So I've written and created my own spiritual coaching diploma.  I'll be certifying more women to do the activation method or silent counseling on their own.   Um, so that they can essentially step into having that freedom business.
So whether they are, again, already corporate women who are starting to transition and they just want to dip their toe in, you know, they're able to maybe do a session a night or a couple of sessions a week and still do, you know, their job in the daytime. Um, and, I don't, I think we want to have, I'm looking at my vision board now,  I want to take my family to Bali.
 I want to go New York at Christmas with the girls.  I want to,   just a lot more see in the world actually, because I think, you know, the last couple of years I've been putting everything together, all the courses, programs, all that lovely stuff. 

I don't know if it was missed, um, but you were saying about, you were looking at your vision board and saying, This is so we, you know, I want to take the girls to New York at Christmas and I want to go to Bali and I want more, you know, more time spent. And then you said, um, so that's what we will be doing.

I love that. And it's like, yeah, you will. I love that. Love that. Oh, brilliant. It's been so amazing to sit and have a chat with you. . You're just incredible and what you, what you have achieved,  you should be so proud of yourself. 

Well, thank you so much for having me on. 
Honestly, you girls, what you're creating with this podcast  and everything you're doing on social media is just such a breath of fresh air and I'm just so excited to see where this goes for you.
You're both, ah, just amazing. 

Oh, thank you, Sarah. That's really, really lovely. Thank you so much. I can't, can I do these? How do you do them?  Is that it?  No, I don't know.  Mum, that looks like a triangle. Well, you know what I mean. It's from the heart. It's love. Actually, I don't even know what I'm doing. Sarah does it really well.

It's been so beautiful to catch up with you. I love speaking to you. You just got, your energy is incredible. Your energy is amazing. Oh, thank you. 

Our audience is going to have learned just so much from you and just,  even if it helps one person,  that's what our aim is.  

That's it. Yep.  Aw, thank you ladies.  

Thank you so much to our wonderful guest, Sarah. She's relaunching your program, The Activation Method. This is a healing and manifesting modality where you can become a certified practitioner and hold your own one to one sessions with your clients. There's more information and links to Sarah's website and socials in the show notes.

The key takeaways are,  number one, your true calling might be buried under layers of others expectations.  Two, trauma needs acknowledgement, otherwise it festers.  Three, perfectionism can be paralyzing. Taking the first step is often the hardest, but the most crucial. Four, success is not just about external achievements, it's about inner fulfilment and happiness.  Find out what it means to you. Five, balancing a meaningful career with family life is not only possible, but deeply rewarding. You get to decide. 

Homework for this week. Identify one small step you can take towards a goal you've been putting off. Write it down and commit to completing it within the next 48 hours.

Share your goal and first step with us and we will check on your progress to keep you accountable. If you're happy to, be brave and post it on social media, tag us and use the. Hashtag Rainmaker. that's R E I G N M A K E R. Depending where you're listening, you might have a link to get in touch with us below.

Otherwise, please send us an email or message us on social media. Links are in the show notes.  If you enjoyed this episode, please share with someone you think might like or benefit from it, and please leave us a rating or review. This really helps us spread the word, and we can't do it without you, our lovely listeners.

Thank you, Reignmakers. 

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